Friday, December 3, 2010


Eating insects for food, snacking on crickets, snakes, baby nestling sparrows, mice, scorpion soup

crickets snacks on sticks
Crickets on sticks - snacks in Beijing

Entomophagy is the habit of eating insects as food. While it is common for many insects, birds and animals to indulge themselves, did you know that people in some parts of the world consider insects a very tasty delicacy?

If you live in Beijing or Bangkok, for example, you might fancy a taste of crickets. Or maybe you would prefer baby nestling sparrows, mice, snakes, or maybe a bowl of scrumptious scorpion soup?

These are all on the menu, as you can see from our pictures here. One man's meat is another man's poison, as they say. So, have a nice day. And enjoy your lunch.

mice snacks on sticks
More Beijing snacks - mice - anak tikus

beijing food - baby sparrows
Beijing - baby nestling sparrows

beijing snacks - snakes
Beijing snacks - snakes

bangkok deep fried insects
Deep fried insects food stall in Bangkok

bangkok insect food
Bangkok insect food

scorpion soup
Cooking insects - scorpion soup

cooking insects
Insect food for sale - lipan satay

insects snacks
More insects snacks  ulat

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